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List Subscribers (Free) - You can login by entering an email which is on our updates list or can be added to it. No password is needed and there is no cost. If you are not yet on our list you will need to validate you address and as soon as you do that you can log in with that address. To login for free with your email address Go Here.

Members - You can log in with your name and password right here: Quick Login Key or on the members login page. After logging in if you seem stuck on this page anyway go back to the Quizzes page and access the current quiz or the quandaries from there.

In addition to accessing the features here members also get some advantages on our collection of general quizzes as well as other benefits on the site and in the store and the institute. This project relies on memberships to partially fund its existence, and this still falls short. So please consider supporting true grassroots user-supported information free of any product marketing influences. Membership Information