Avalanche Center Home Budget Review: 2001-2002

This gives a rough idea of how revenues and expenses worked out for the 2001-2002 season. That was still one of our more successful ones, financially. At that time, and until 2006, we would send all of our receipts to our treasurer in California. She would enter them into Quicken and generate some reports. This duplicated some efforts and complicated things, since most bills we have are for store goods and those are already covered in a store spreadsheet. Our 2006-07 review should prove to be much more accurate.

These graphs show more money raised than spent, but in reality it was a break-even season. Expenses were hard to incorporate properly when we sent receipts in batches to a treasurer. As of the 2007 season this has been revamped and accounting should be more accurate. (We also have expenses that carry over from one season to another, such as travel reimbursements that wait until we have the funds for them.)

2001-2002 Expenses

Expenses - Notes

Staffing: We typically have 2-3 local college students working during the busy months of October through May. They are paid at minimum wage ($6.90/hr in Oregon for this season) and work variable hours (i.e. less in October and after March). The director is paid for 10 hours per month year round, also at minimum wage. Figures here reflect the added costs such as employer taxes.

Travel: Reimbursed travel is usually for an annual industry tradeshow in Utah each winter (skipped in the Olympic year), the bi-annual ISSW avalanche conference, and a tri-annual IGS symposium in Europe (skipped in 2003). Reimbursements are made at US Government issued rates as published by the IRS. They are paid back when the budget allows so they may not always appear in the budget for the year of the actual travel. (In some cases the delay has been a couple years.)

2001-2002 Expenses

Revenues - Notes

There are some notes concerning revenue on the budget history page.

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