By Jim Frankenfield, Director

The Avalanche Center became somewhat semi-dormant in 2013-14, but it is not shut down and will hopefully be more active this season, to the degree that resources permit.

This blog entry will explain the situation, both the status of the center and the personal (personnel) reasons behind the break in activity. Our first email update, and perhaps subsequent ones, will mention this but not go into all the details. We will refer anyone interested to this post for the details.

In a nutshell I (the director) made a last minute decision in September of 2013 to remain in Tbilisi, Georgia to teach school. While various people have made significant contributions over the years the center relies heavily on my efforts. In addition to a reduction in the amount of my time which was available there was also the issue of maintaining the US infrastructure - the office and store in particular.

Before expanding on this I'd like to add, above the "fold" here, that expenses continued while little fundraising effort was made. As of November 2014 the center has a debt of $1200 to me personally and barely enough cash on hand for another month of hosting and other basic costs. So please think about making a contribution if you can!

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