Avalanche Center Home Contributor Benefits

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Benefits of Contributing to the CSAC

Contributions of $25 or more

Quick Login - These benefits are available by logging into the Contributor Services area. You can set up your own account as soon as your online contribution process is complete.

  • Discounted and Free classes and tutorials in the Avalanche Institute
  • Full search privileges on our Incidents Database (no limit to results returned)
  • Keyword search on the Incidents Section
  • Access to actual individual incident reports
  • A persistent shopping cart, usable from different computers
  • No shipping on all store orders placed with your persistent cart
  • A special store Sale Page only for contributors
  • Extra more detailed and technical Educational materials
  • No advertising is displayed if you are logged in
  • The knowledge that you are contributing to a true grassroots public service avalanche project

Discalimer - The benefits available are subject to change. Our financial resources determine how much we can do at all for anyone. With more contributors we can do more both for the public and specifically for those that contribute. Even when we have no funds at all we still make most of the above benefits available.

Ready to contribute and support avalanche safety?

Contributions can also be snail- mailed to:

Avalanche Center
3939 South Sixth St #172
Klamath Falls, OR 97603

Thank You very much!



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